Registration reminder for:

Stress-testing against climate risk, June 25-27, 2024

Dear Sarah Aljufairi,

This is to confirm your registration for Stress-testing against climate risk, June 25-27, 2024 course.

Ref: FK6Q55B 
Country: QAT 

Course website: for general course information bookmark this website

Pre-course survey: please, share with us your background and expectations for the course. We will share this information confidentially with the course tutors to help shape the conversation during the sessions. Complete survey

Delivery: the course will be delivered live online via Zoom. Access classroom

Agenda and presentations: for detailed agenda, including content of each session and respective start and finish times, and to view course presentations*, please visit the course materials page using password STCR2024Q2

Tips for best learning experience
• Be punctual – to minimise disruption to others and maximise your learning, please join at least five minutes before the start of the training course.
• Stay engaged – from our experience, people who engage with speakers and participants improve their learning outcome.

We look forward to seeing you at the course.

Kind regards,
Risk Learning team

* Course presentations are uploaded as the course progresses and in some cases could be available only after the course. Course presentations are the property of the course tutors. In most cases they are made available for participants to download, but in some exceptional circumstances the tutor might withhold the right to distribute their materials. In such cases we are not able to supply presentations for download.